Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Teamspeak 3 - Private Messages (Whisper Lists Expanded)

On top of being able to message entire groups (Channel Commander), it's also possible to message specific channels or individuals. This could be useful if you're running something specific within a squad, though mostly if you do that frequently, as it does take some time to set up - similar to the other whisper list guide. Take a look at the Channel Commander guide if you have questions for this.

First you need to go to your Whisper Lists options, and set up a new Push-to-Talk (make sure this is unique - never have the same button for two voice chats, this includes in-game as well.

 Once you've assigned a talk key, you need to set Whisper To to Clients & Channels (this is default), and then you can sort by Clients on the right-hand screen (View Clients, as above). Then it's a simple matter of dragging and dropping anyone you want from the right to the left list, like I did with Kerang in the image below.

For Planetside 2, it's possible to set up private voice chat as well. While that's easier, it does have its downside: You can't adjust volume, and you can't see who's in the channel, so people can join without you knowing. However, you do get a notification when someone speaks, and it's possible to set a password.

To set it up, you have to type /voice join [channel] [password]. The password is optional. So like I did, you can join the 418 channel by typing /voice join 418.

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