On top of being able to message entire groups (Channel Commander), it's also possible to message specific channels or individuals. This could be useful if you're running something specific within a squad, though mostly if you do that frequently, as it does take some time to set up - similar to the other whisper list guide. Take a look at the Channel Commander guide if you have questions for this.
First you need to go to your Whisper Lists options, and set up a new Push-to-Talk (make sure this is unique - never have the same button for two voice chats, this includes in-game as well.
Once you've assigned a talk key, you need to set Whisper To to Clients & Channels (this is default), and then you can sort by Clients on the right-hand screen (View Clients, as above). Then it's a simple matter of dragging and dropping anyone you want from the right to the left list, like I did with Kerang in the image below.
For Planetside 2, it's possible to set up private voice chat as well. While that's easier, it does have its downside: You can't adjust volume, and you can't see who's in the channel, so people can join without you knowing. However, you do get a notification when someone speaks, and it's possible to set a password.
To set it up, you have to type /voice join [channel] [password]. The password is optional. So like I did, you can join the 418 channel by typing /voice join 418.
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